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Wisdom Teeth – To Remove or Leave Alone?

| Clinical

Impacted wisdom teeth

My patients routinely ask me: “What is the best management for their wisdom teeth?”

From my years of experience with wisdom teeth, most of them are very difficult to keep clean. They also become infected or severely decayed without the patient being aware because they are furthest back in the mouth and are often hidden behind the teeth in front. Extensive decay can cause the (preventable and premature) loss of the adjacent teeth, with cases of severe pain needing urgent hospitalisation.

I often advise my patients that “no pain doesn’t mean no problems”, so please let me review your wisdom teeth at least once every six months!

If your wisdom teeth have had previous infections, are impacted with the adjacent teeth, or are very difficult to clean, then you should consider removing them as soon as possible to achieve the cheapest and safest result.

To best answer this question, we need to see a recent OPG x-ray to check the wisdom teeth site and discuss with you any benefits, risks or complications before your wisdom teeth removal.

For further details on wisdom teeth, please click here.