Smile Gallery
Full Crown Restoration
Case 1
This upper right molar has a large amalgam filling and severe cracks. The filling was removed, along with the tooth’s cracked corner (cusp).
This tooth was then restored with a tooth-coloured core buildup, followed by a crown.
Case 2
This broken down upper left central tooth was restored with a tooth-coloured core material then prepared for a crown.
Upper left central on the day the crown was cemented on.
Case 3
This pre-operative X-ray of the lower left first molar, shows a pin was placed under a large amalgam.
Upon removal of decayed restoration
Core build-up
Final crown restoration
Case 4
Pre-operative X-ray and Nerve Test
Old filling removed
Core build-up
Finished result
White Cosmetic Fillings
Case 1
Composite resin
Case 2
Decay drilled under rubber dam
Completed restoration prior to polish
Case 3
Severe Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease
Before scale and clean
Severe gingivitis and bleeding upon removal of tartar
Teeth Whitening
Whitening Treatment