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Prophy Clean & Floss

Prophylaxis, commonly called prophy, helps to prevent gum disease.

Prophy is a simple treatment where we will add a small amount of polishing paste to a rubber cup and then gently polish your teeth leaving your teeth feeling smooth and clean. The purpose of cleaning and polishing is to leave the surfaces of the teeth clean and smooth so that bacteria are unable to stick to them and it is easier to keep your teeth clean during your regular at-home care.

Flossing is invaluable as a regular preventative method to maintain your oral health. Brushing alone will not remove plaque and particles of food, especially chewy, sticky foods like cakes and lollies from between your teeth or caught in braces. Therefore, you will need to floss these spaces at least once a day, at night before bed is the best time, so as to remove any food accumulated throughout the day.

Carlingford Dental Surgery can show you how to brush and floss correctly so as to maintain your dental health.